1. Build a Community around your stock.

It is important to communicate to your shareholders and let them know how you are doing. Successfully creating that community will help you attract and maintain an active shareholder base. When your excited about changes and updates, share it with them.  They want to get excited with you!


2. Use Video

1.8 Million Words – That’s the value of one minute of video!

Successful crowdfunding campaigns all use video to tell the story of the business that is getting funded. Video is the best way to tell a story – embrace it.

3. Focus on Inbound Marketing inbound marketing


4. Build a broad shareholder baseexecutive

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is another way to improve your presence.  By focusing on the visibility of your website in a search engine’s unpaid results, so more people find you organically.  S.E.O. may target different kinds of search, including image search, local search, video search, academic search, news search and industry-specific vertical search engines. Get your ranking competitive.

5. Use Social Media Effectively

Streamline what you are doing.  If you are on Facebook, twitter, and linkedin, why not post to just one place and save some time.  You can with ifttt.com